Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things are looking up

This last week was crazy busy so I'm behind in blogging...

The good news is that my PT guy, Todd Smith (aka, muscle magician) tried a new treatment on my sore spot called intramuscular-something...and it involves sharp needles....but it might, just might, be a miracle. Really!

I can't believe I'm even saying that. I'm THE biggest skeptic around. I don't believe in most of what passes as "alternative medicine" and I definitely don't believe in acupunture. But this procedure is similar to acupuncture and well, it worked (if you define "worked" as there is no more pain).

I'm holding out to see if it comes back but right now, I have no pain when I run or walk. I still have pain when I get out of the car (but I fixed tha situation by swinging my legs around to face the other way, then putting my right leg down first - wa la!).  And I've been taking Celebrex so it could be a combination of everything. But I was so excited I had to blog about it.

Too tired to write more...will finish this tomorrow.  TTFN!

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