Saturday, April 10, 2010

Being a Good Girl

This is the 2nd Saturday I haven't been able to do my usual long run. And as much as I'm trying to stay positive, there's nothing positive about it. In fact, I hate it.

But the good thing is that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do and that is run less. I'm constantly telling myself that its still early enough to not worry about it but its hard when all my friends are getting in really good shape.

OK, enough with the whining...I did run a very slow 3 miler today and I have no soreness or pain at all. Zero. Nada. Zip. This is a very good thing.

Tomorrow Kurt and I are going to ride for 2 hrs and I can't wait. Originally I was riding with the group at 10:30 -in fact, I was the one who set up the ride - then I remembered that I'm supposed to teach Sunday school (oops!) and had to back out of the ride. Talk about a double whammy - no group run and now no group ride!  I miss the camaraderie!

But my dear husband said that he would ride with me so we called up some friends who had asked us to babysit awhile back and asked if they would watch our kids. They said yes - yay!  Its going to be 75 degrees tomorrow and I'm so anxious to get out my new bike.

Monday I'll swim and Tuesday, a short easy 5 mile run. Anxious to find out what happens at Physical Therapy this week - hoping that will make a difference too.

I'm not sure what else to write about in this might get more interesting when we actually start the Ironman training plan...I'm open to any suggestions!


Unknown said...

On my long run today, I actually GREW a CAPE out of my back and began flying around mile 11. Seriously. Flying. Weird huh?

Then I lifted a few cars for fun.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

That is so cool, Dan!!! I am so happy for you that the training has gone so well. Even though I'm not surprised (because you are an awesome runner and you've worked hard to get where you are), I'm just amazed at how well its gone. Can't wait for the big RACE DAY! Glad you had a good run yesterday!

Unknown said...

My post was a bit tounge in cheek. The knee still hurts. I'm hoping that tapering and rest after this huge week (my last one!) will take care of it. At least the knee is not hurting outside of running.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

OK, gotcha. Hope it is better after this week. You're almost there so hang in there!