Friday, April 30, 2010

Making a Comeback

Having an injury sure puts things in perspective. I've been able to run a minimum of 4 miles easily for 20+ years now and on most weeks, I run a long run of 10 - 12 miles on Saturday. But now that I'm not running much, when I do run, I feel like I'm just starting for the first time.

So, today, Evan left his homework at home and I was heading out for a 3-miler. I thought, why don't I just run it out to Monfort, which is 3 miles from my house (but that means I have to run home, making it a 6-miler). No problem, I thought, I can do it!  Its probably ok to run that far now, isn't it???

So I did and well, lets just say that I made it home without totally puking up my breakfast. I felt like crap 2 miles into the run - almost like I was going to faint. Arrgghhh...I didn't expect to feel like that!

With Evan's homework sheets scrolled up in my hand, I plodded on. But it was so weird...I had run this distance for years and years, on this same road, and for the first time, I thought I wouldn't make it.

But I did and actually, on the way home I felt better than on the way out. Maybe it was because I swam this morning (got in a mere 1000 yards today) and my body was just tired or maybe its because I'm getting older and I refuse to accept this minor fact (ya think?)...

Either way, I'm happy I was able to run that far. I need to be running again and I've decided to just go for it and live with the pain. I'll continue with PT but I can't wait any longer.

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