Monday, November 23, 2009

We got in!!!

Registration opened today at noon. I waited patiently until about 11:40 and couldn't stand it anymore so I attempted to register, wondering if maybe - just maybe - they'd open early (I knew better!).  Nope. No go.

So five minutes later I get a text from Sarah asking "U ready?" and then 5 mins later another text saying "I wish they'd open up so I can get on with my day!"...wait, wait, wait...for what seemed like the longest 20 minutes of my life.

And I if I was nervous, I know how nervous Sarah and Brenda must have been!

So at 12:00, I clicked on "go" next to the word registration on the site...nothing happened....I saw the little wheels going around and around and I panicked. What if I can't get on?  My computer does that a lot - i try to go online and it won't connect. Yikes!

I quickly ran into the office and jumped on Kurt's, then click on Arizona, then entry, then the link to the active opened up - YAY!  I nervously typed in my info as fast as I could, making TWO mistakes along the way, requiring me to do it over again TWICE!  Finally, I typed in my credit card info and clicked the last button....waited, waited, waited...then I see "Your registration is complete" - yippee!!!!

Kurt happened to be home (unusual) and he came in to the office. He was happy for me, which was really neat. He has been very supportive and I hate to say this but it has surprised me how supportive he's been of this whole IM journey I've been on.

I will say that last night I was having 2nd thoughts. I thought "what am i getting myself into?" The long hard weekends, the time away from my kids, the weekend events I miss because of training. Hmmm...

But I really want to try it again. I am looking at this one differently. With Florida, I felt like I was doing what everyone told me to do...that I was always behind the 8 ball and just following along...and doing the bare minimum of training. Oh, I had my days and I definitely had some good runs during the training but with the biking, I always felt like I wasn't doing enough (and I was right).

I also felt like I was behind Marshall. I remember last summer when he said he biked 100 miles and ran for 3 hours while he was on vacation (back to back days). I was shocked. I was nowhere near that point - in fact, we had just started the 13 week training plan and we were supposed to build UP to that point. And here he had already done it.

Several times during our training Marshall did way more than I did (mostly biking). And I'm happy for him because he had an awesome bike time in Florida.

But this time, I want to be more in control of my training AND I want to start earlier with the longer rides. I really have to get in 3 100 milers before the IM and I wan to space them out over the summer and fall.

The longest I rode during my training for Florida was 75 - 80 miles. We went by time and not miles so I'm not exactly sure.

I feel good about my swimming and running; I need to improve my endurance in both of those areas but I see that as easy to do. The main are for me to improve will be biking.

Sarah, Brenda, and Kevin also got in and we emailed 50 times back and forth (it seemed) today. It was really fun!  And my good friend, Dan England, wants to come along for support, which would be just awesome.

So, with Kurt, the kids, my mom, and 4 good friends along - how can I not have a great time?!!!

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