Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Trot

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and we started it like we have done for almost 12 yrs: we ran the Turkey Trot. This year Evan ran it by himself (well, ran/walked) and Katerina did the 2k.
I ran the 5k and was very curious to see how I would do. I hadn't run a 5k in a long time and having just done the Ironman, I wasn't expecting a fast race time.

But the gun went off and I felt great. I started slow going up the hill but was just feeling so gosh-darn happy, that I pushed the pace. I started with Sarah, who I think was planning to run it slow and easy, but I kept pushing harder. Our first mile was 7:47 - way too fast for me!

But I didn't care. I felt good and kept going. I pushed harder and harder, to the point of feeling like I was sprinting. She was able to go up the hills faster than me and before long, she was long gone. But I still didn't care, I felt great at the pace i was going.

Onto Reservoir Road and I was running faster than I've run in a long time. I stretched out and lengthened my stride (a mistake I soon found out) and just kept going.

Around the corner and down 14th Avenue - yippee - I'm running fast!  As I turned the last corner toward the finish line, I started to sprint and then OUCH!  Someone stabbed me in the right hamstring - yousa! 

I shortened my stride and slowed down. Came across the finish line with a smile on my face and a knot in my stomach, worried that I just might have pulled a muscle.

Today, my hamstring is sore, even to touch. Not sure I should run for awhile but I really want to. Will see how I feel tomorrow. I did get a good bike ride in today (more on that later - it was awesome!) and I did have fun running that race. It kinda lit a fire in me to start doing some speedwork!

All in all, a really nice Thanksgiving, even with a sore muscle.

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