Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Major Milestone

Today I did something I've never done before: I completed the entire Master's swim workout. Yep, 3000 yards!  To most triathletes, that's nothing. To me, that's HUGE.

I've always had to stop the workout early for two reasons: one, I had to be home by 7:15 to get my kids ready for school (last year), and two, I physically could not do the entire workout.

So, today I just kept plugging away and hadn't even thought about doing the whole workout. I did the main set and felt fine so I thought I'll do the smaller stuff at the end of the workout. Did that and got out. There was still a 200 warm down but I thought I'd done enough but as I was toweling off, I asked Richard how many yards the whole workout had in it, and he said "well, if you do the warm down, it's 3000".

I swirled around and said "what???"  He calmly said "3000".  Last year, I did 1500 at the most and that's what i did all summer too. I had always admired people who could swim that much and didn't really think it was in my grasp so I just settled with my piddly little 1500 yards.

I threw off my towel, dove back in, and swam the 200 yards. I couldn't leave with that elusive goal within my reach!  And I just wanted to say that those magic words "I swam 3000 yards"!

It's kind of like running your first half-marathon or marathon. I feel like I accomplished something and although 3000 yards is nothing for many triathletes, it's a big deal to me and I'm super pumped about it (can you tell!).

I was on such a high when I left that I went home and ran 40 mins on pure adrenaline!  I ran on the grass over at UNC and felt great. I really do feel like I've achieved a higher fitness level lately. I really hope it pays off at the IM too!

Yesterday I biked 30-some miles on my own. Had a nice time. Rode out to Windsor, Crossroads Blvd, and back. Tomorrow I'm doing Spinervals. Friday is a lake swim and the weekend is the usual run on Sat, bike on Sun.

Life is good!

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