Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gotta Keep on Truckin'

That's my motto these days.

I've had a number of aches and pains lately (both mentally and physically) but at this point, I just gotta keep on truckin'. I can almost see the finish line at this point and I'm going for broke.

Today my hip pain is back with a vengeance - it hasn't hurt this bad in months. I swam and ran this morning (about 2000 yards at Master's and then a 6 mile run). Somewhere along the way I must have aggravated that muscle again because it hurts so bad I can hardly walk. I'm icing it as we speak. I guess the good news is that my heel didn't hurt so we're back to the hip thing again.

But.... I gotta keep on truckin'.

I've been wrestling with some personal issues lately, as we all do from time to time. But it's nothing I can't handle and with my re-newed focus on the finishing this Ironman, I'm feeling pretty good. The journey has been different than I expected but that's the way it goes.

Tomorrow I'm doing Spinervals and I need to get up early and get them done before the kids get up, or at least have most of it done by the time they get up. I like Spinervals - they're an extremely hard workout and I always sweat a ton when I do them.

Then Friday is a long swim, Sat is "only" a 10 mile run, and Sunday is "only" a 2-3 hr bike ride - woo hoo!  I get a little overwhelmed when I think about the training ahead of me in October - the really high mileage weeks - so for now, I'll enjoy this recovery week and just keep on truckin....


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about your hip. Ugh. Sucks. Hang in there. You've got the right attitude for it.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks. It really caught me by surprise - thought it was gone or at least minimal but I must have aggravated somehow.