Saturday, September 25, 2010

Crossing My Fingers

So I ran 5 big fat miles yesterday - woo hoo!  First run in 9 days and it felt oh so good. I started very, very slow and actually ended up walking at first because I'm in Ogden, Utah, right now and who would ever guess it's a mini San Francisco here with all the steeper-than-you-know-what hills. We're staying with friends and it's pretty much straight up or down when you go out their front door.

Anyway, I ran/walked down the hill very fast and then started jogging. Yes, I'm going to use the J-word here. Real runners never use the J-word because none of us ever jog. Noooooo, we RUN. Jogging is for sissies. Any real runners reading this can relate to the cringe they feel when someone (who is not a runner) says to them "oh, I saw you jogging this morning". Ugh.

But I truly was jogging. It was probably a 12-min pace. Yep, that was me. Trot, trot, trot, trot. Smiling at the real runners who were wizzing by me. I could see the look on their faces, so serious and so focused. That's been me all of these years and it was kind of interesting looking at runners from a jogger's perspective. Part of me was happy for them and part of me wanted to trip them.

Anyway, I ran 5 luxurious miles and yes, my hip did hurt the whole way but it was fairly small on the pain scale. In other words, it was bearable. My heel didn't hurt at all. Its so nice to have only one of your injuries hurt at a time. Thank you, body,for picking just one yesterday!

My husband, Kurt, is doing an Xterra triathlon today at Snow Basin, near Ogden. More on that later. I'm riding 80 miles with my friend, Julie, who is also a dietitian and an injured runner. She's had to stop running completely because of another type of injury. Misery loves company, eh?

Seriously, I'm psyched to ride with her today.She has an 80 mile route planned for us. I've gotta get going so will write more and post pic's later.

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