Saturday, September 18, 2010

Plan B

So, today I ran for the first time since Weds and although my hip hurt a little as I moved around, I thought it would be ok but it wasn't. It hurt so bad that I walked most of the way home.

I tried running on grass but it didn't seem to matter. And I guess that make sense; this is not an impact-related injury. It's a strain of some sort and the pain is caused from the swaying of my left leg going forward and backward (if that makes sense), not when my foot hits the ground.

I kept running for awhile hoping (and praying) that the pain would subside but it just got worse. I decided to bag the run and go home.

So, the plan is to lay off running for a week. I'll swim and bike (thank God!) but forego any running. I'll ice my hip everyday and keep taking Celebrex.

Not to could be much worse. I'll walk the IM marathon if I have to. At least I will probably have a good swim and bike!  Hopefully by then it will be better and I'll be able to run most of the way. We'll see.

Tomorrow our plan calls for a 2-3 hr ride and I decided that this would be a good time to go to church. Katerina has a girlfriend over to spend the night tonight who goes to our church and I can take all 3 kids to church tomorrow. They just started a new Sunday school program and it would be nice for them to go to that. So, I'm going to ride earlier than our pre-planned ride at 8:00 and ride from my house. I doubt if Sarah and Brenda will want to go earlier (esp as cold as it is today!) and to change locations so I'll just go alone. Or maybe Colleen can go with me. Either way, 2 hrs is not bad to ride by yourself.

Ok, chin up and keep on truckin!

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