Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ironman Boulder 70.3 Practice Ride

Rode the old 5430 bike course (which is now the Ironman Boulder 70.3 course) last Sunday with Sarah, Brenda, and Scott Taylor.

We're doing the Boulder half-IM race on August 8th so Brenda and Sarah wanted to see what it was like. I've done this race twice (when it was called 5430) so I was familiar with it but wanted to do it again. Had a great time.

The course is relatively easy - some roller hills in the beginning but nothing too hard. It's a 2-loop course and the 2nd half of it is relatively fast and flat, with some nice views of the Flatirons.

The day started with dark clouds and some rain as we left Greeley. But it didn't rain on us and the temp was much cooler - perfect for riding (but the sun would've been nice too).

Hoping for a good race this time!  Have had two "failed" races this season and I don't want anymore.

My bike felt good and after riding about 55 miles or so, I felt fine - wasn't really that sore or tired.

I feel in much better shape right now than I was this time last year, esp on the bike and in the lake. My running is behind but I'm hoping to slowly build that back up.

Nutrition-wise, I didn't eat as many carbs on Saturday as I usually do the day before a long ride or run and I could feel it late in the ride. But it wasn't too much of a problem. Sometimes you need to go with the flow and trust your body to get you through!

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