Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ice Ice Baby

As I'm icing my hip I thought I'd jot down a few thoughts...

Went for a lovely noon time swim at Centennial yesterday. I normally swim at the lake on Mondays but Katerina had a softball game at 5:30 so I swam earlier. Although I missed swimming at the lake, I love swimming at Centennial at noon. Its usually hot then so getting in a pool feels really good. And there's usually only 1-3 other lap swimmers so I usually have a lane to myself. Plus, I love just swimming at my own pace on my own time.

I think I swam 1400 or 1500 yards, not a long swim but I focused a lot on my technique. My left arm still isn't doing the right stroke. I tell it to but it doesn't listen!  Seriously, it's weird how your brain can tell a body part to do something but the body part has a mind of its own. Ok, that's weird, I know!

Today I ran for 62 minutes - woo hoo!  I had planned to run at Sanborn Park (around the outside perimeter, on the grass) but I just couldn't do it. I get SO bored going around and around in a circle. I went around it once but since my heal wasn't hurting, I decided to take another chance on the roads (like I did last week).

I ran out to Lowe's via the dirt road the goes behind the Weslyan church. This route has a mix of asphalt, dirt, and concrete. I avoid concrete like the plague and found that I could do that pretty easily by running alongside the sidewalk in most places.

I also decided to push the pace. I want to run faster so the only way to do that is to, well, run faster!  I threw in some long tempo runs and felt great!  I was definitely tired at the end but was glad I did it.

Tomorrow I am biking and swimming. Then we head up to Snow Mountain Ranch for a few days, where I hope to maintain my training plan.


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