Thursday, July 8, 2010

Riding in the Rain

Not my favorite thing to do, that's for sure. But I'm glad I got it done.

And there's always hiccups along the way. Colleen and I had made plans to ride at 6:30 on Wednesday. Brian emailed to say that he would go too.

Then Colleen texted me Tuesday night to say that she needed to start at 6:00 instead of 6:30 (ouch!). That extra half hour makes a huge difference to me!

No problem, I told her. I can do that. Then I proceede to stay up until 11:00 Tues night to watcht the movie Precious with Kurt (if you ever want a reality check about how cush your life is, just watch that'll never complain again.)

The alarm goes off 15 4:45. I have to have coffee and a small breakfast before i ride two hours with Colleen. I was actually awake but very tired and groggy.

At 5:20 Colleen calls to say that she doesn't feel up to riding. Great!  I got up early for nothing!  Oh well, no problem, I told her. And I really did understand. I know how it goes. But that extra half hour of sleep would've been really nice!

So Brian and I take off at 6:26 AM. The sky is so dark with clouds that I had trouble seeing with my sunglasses on (not safe to ride without glasses and i don't have the clear lenses!).

It was very dark and foreboding but Brian felt sure that it wouldn't rain until after 8:00. Not so. It started coming down midway into our ride and rained fairly steadily until the end. Fortunately, I had brought a jacket and as long as we kept riding, I felt fine.

Brian is a fast rider and I had trouble keeping up with him. I felt good but was not very aggressive. I'm still a little shaky on my racing bike and when the rain started, I decided to just keep a steady pace and get home.

We rode 38 miles and all in all, a good ride.

Quick recap of the week: Monday I ran 50 mins with Brenda and Sarah at Jo Jo (they met me there and ran a lap with me). Tuesday I took off - woo hoo - and Weds was the ride described above. Today is Thursday and I ran 40 mins with my friend, Michelle (from Tasmania! More on that later), and tomorrow I'm swimming at the lake and spinning, hopefully. Not sure I'll have time to spin.

Tonight I have a meeting with Wendy Mader!  More on that later too.

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