Thursday, May 27, 2010

Injuries Suck

Let me start by saying that I'm not having a good day.

It started with showing my husband the bill for Daisy's echocardiogram (which our vet highly recommended - long story) that was $495. Yes, almost $500 we paid for someone to rub some weird medical device over our dogs heart and tell us "oh, she's fine".

That was after payingt he $700 bill to Honda of Greely for fixing the back bumper that I happened to mess up when I backed into someone else's car.

And that was after paying for a long list of "extra" expenses that we cant live without, of course, including $10,000 for a new deck that we just had put on our house. I know, it's very tacky to talk about money like this but somehow that Mike's Hard Lemonade erased all of the etiquette rules in my brain.

Anyway, when the officer pulled me over this morning for driving 60 mph in a section of highway that I honestly thought was supposed to be 55 mph (that was really 45 mph) and gave me a FOUR POINT violation that will cost me $185.00, it didn't exactly go over well. I actually cried in front of my kids.

But the worst part is that I can hardly walk. My hip pain is back with a vengeance and it hurts like hell. For the first time EVER, I contemplated deferring my Ironman to 2011. I ran a short run today and could hardly walk afterwards. Then I got the ticket.

So, it's a sucky day.

I did Spinervals on Tuesday and swam a nice, long swim on Weds. Biking tomorrow and hoping to do my first open water swim at 5:00 PM at the Promontory. Who knows after that. I just want to get through today.

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