Saturday, May 22, 2010

Accidental Long Run

I ran a long run yesterday accidentally. Let me explain.

First, it wasn't technically a "long" run - it was only 6 miles and normally, that's not a long run for me. But since I've been nursing this hip (iliac crest) injury, 6 miles is now considered long (sniff, sniff).

Now for the funny part. Kurt and I wanted to swim on Friday morning and he likes to get a short run in when he swims so he usually runs to the pool (3 miles) and then catches a ride with me back home (whenever he doesn't have to go straight to work from the pool).

This time he said "why don't I run to the pool and you drive; then we'll switch on the way home?".  I thought about it and decided that I would try it.  I would have to take running clothes, shoes, Ipod, etc, with me, but what the heck, I should try something different.

But this takes a little more planning. Like the fact that BOTH of us need our keys to the car or we need to make a plan so that the Kurt gets my keys before I take off on my run.

We managed to forget that little detail.

We both swam for 30 minutes and since I started before Kurt did, I left before he did. After changing into my running gear, I dropped my swim bag in the car (with keys IN the bag) and took off running.

At first, I was thoroughly enjoying the run. The warm air felt good against my wet hair and damp skin, the music from my Ipod filled my sleepy brain and I settled in to a good rhythm as I made my way up 13th Avenue.

Then all of a sudden a thought popped into my head: what if Kurt didn't bring his keys?  He wouldn't be able to get home...he did have his swim bag with him, although it was a tiny one that he carries with him when he runs to the pool and maybe he thought he'd get my keys from me before I took off on my run ....uh oh...

I was right. When I got home, there was no car in site and he was sitting on the deck eating breakfast with a "what were you thinking" look on his face. Richard had given him a ride home (oops!).  So I downed some water and hit the road for another 3 mile run back to the Rec Center to get the car.  Good thing I didn't have to take the kids to school that morning!

It turned out to be a good run. Unfortunately, my hip is hurting pretty bad now so I'm icing it as I write this post (sniff, sniff).  But I'm riding with Brenda today (and hopefully Jenny too) so I'm hoping that by Monday, it will calm down so I can run again (please, oh Goddess of healing running injuries, please!). More on that later.


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