Thursday, May 20, 2010

Community Classic Bike Tour

CCBT is truly one of my favorite rides of the year. And because it's always in May, it kicks off the racing season really well.

The metric century route (62 miles) starts at McKee Medical Center in Loveland, CO, and goes up to Carter Lake (emphasis on the word "up"), then over to Masonville and up around Horestooth Reservoir, and back to McKee.

This was the 3rd or 4th time I've done this ride and because of all the rain we've had, it was the most beautiful I'd seen it - the grass was so green and the lakes were so full!

And the best news is that my new racing bike did really well!  I was worried that I might not make it up the hills without my triple but I did fine. I'm really psyched about that!

I rode with Brenda, one of my IM training buddies. She also has a new bike (see us both at left), and we rode really well together. We took it easy and because of that, I felt like I could've gone longer at the end. I felt I could've gone faster but glad we didn't. We had a great time!

I have to mention Ken Whitney, the man in the middle picture here (in blue jacket, red helmet). He inspires me so much. He's 80 yrs old and doing the metric century - that's incredible!

Right now I'm focusing more on kid stuff as my kids finish up school and we start the summer schedule. Today is their last day of school and they start tennis, softball, and CARA track on June 1st. So we'll have a relaxed week next week and then I'll start my Ironman training in June.  Until then, I'll probably write 1-2 x/week here. But I love feedback and/or comments so please feel free to leave me one!

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