Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Worst Run Ever!

Well, maybe not the worst ever but darn close. I ran about 4 miles this morning and felt like, well, crap. And I'm not sure why.

I did my usual routine: ate breakfast around 7:00 and ran at 8:30, after dropping kids off at school. I could tell that I wasn't feeling great but after 22 years of running, you learn to look past that feeling because it almost always changes during the run.

This time it didn't. I felt slow and sluggish the entire way. In fact, I actually walked in the middle of the run and what is more shocking is that I didn't care. My running mantra has always been that you keep running regardless of how bad you feel. I tried to keep going but I eventually just walked. Ugh.

In my defense, it's incredibly windy today. The wind gusts are upwards of 50 mph, according to 9news.com.  The entire run I felt like I was fighting the wind.  But still...walking???

I've also had some GI stuff going on lately. I don't know what it was but I felt so bad on this run that I took every shortcut possible to get back to my car, including running through a field of weeds.

Oh well, gotta keep on truckin'.  Its days like this that I will remember when I have that IM finisher's medal around my neck (at least that's what I will tell myself today!).

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