Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey Relays

Today at swim practice we had the "Turkey Relays". This is a beloved tradition of the master's swim group (from what I learned) and although Kurt tried to assure me that "it was for fun", my arms hurt so much right now that I can hardly type.

They started with a typical warm-up (which, for me, is a workout by itself): 250 yd swim, 250 yd pull-bouy (or whatever those things are called), and 250 kick (the easiest part for me). I could've easily gone home after that but nooooo, we had to do THE Turkey Relays.

It started with SIXTEEN fast 50's. SIXTEEN! Did you hear me??? I said SIXTEEN! I just about died. They were all very fast, very anaerobic. I wore my fins and thank God I did, there is NO way I could've kept up without them. My arms were killing me now!

Then we did a kick-set relay with 3 people on a team. That was easy. Being a veteran runner and cyclist, anything involving the legs is relatively easy for me. It's just swimming that is so hard on my wimpy little arms.

I realized this AM that this blog is more about me learning to swim than anything else. At least for now it is. I can run in my sleep - it's part of my existence that I don't even think about anymore. I just do it and I really enjoy it. I'm not particularly least not anymore but I can run forever and I can run up mountains. But put me in a pool and well, it aint pretty.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we're all doing the Turkey Trot. I hope I can get myself out of bed!

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