Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Trot

Another Turkey Trot has came and went....and we had a great time. I ran 23:07, which is a lot slower than I used to run but I felt really good. The first 1.5 miles is uphill and I took it easy. Would really like to get my time down below 23 minutes and feel that I can. I've done zero speedwork so hopefully this winter I can do some and get a little faster. But I still got 2nd in my age group and won a pie!

We had so much fun. I love this race because it's a true community event and because Greeley is relatively small, I see so many people that I know and it's fun catching up. It's a part of our Thanksgiving tradition and I'm glad my kids will grow up with this kind of event being a part of their experience.

Speaking of kids, Katerina and Evan ran/walked the 5k by themselves (first time by themselves) and did great! Sasha, our exchange student from Ukraine, also walked it but being a typical teenager (who stayed up until 4:00 AM we found out later), she wasn't exactly a happy camper. But she did it!

Every year my friends, Jenny, Lynne, and Marshall, and their kids, do the Turkey Trot and because we're all decent runners, we almost always win a pie or a turkey. We then get together for Thanksgiving dinner at my house. This year we're having it at Lynne and Marshall's house, which will be fun. Kurt is working but he's still roasting the turkey. I'm bringing mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. We invited another family to join us so their should around 17 people there.

Should be lots of fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!