Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Never a dull moment when you train for an IM

I am finding that training for an IM leads to new experiences. Some of them are not so fun. Like riding your bike down a busy highway that was recently tarred and getting "splashed" with the remnants of the tar all over your body (esp your face and neck). It's even more fun when you do that ride in 9o degree weather so you're not only sweating like crazy but now you're covered in sticky, gooey highway tar. Lovely.

And another new "experience" when you spend a lot of time riding country roads is you get to see - up close and personal - more roadkill than you ever dreamed possible. This is the reason for the quick weight loss that most IM newbies experience - it's not the increased exercise - noooooo, it's the dozens of birds, animals, turtles, and snakes you pass on your bike that are smashed to smithereens and oozing with who-knows-what. Lovely.

And then there's the open water swims in water that smells like rotting algea and so murky that you can't see your hand in front of your face. Lovely.

But hey, it will all be worth it when I hear those infamous words "Cindy Dallow, you are an Ironman!" and visions of all the roadkill, dead fish, and dirty, scorching-hot highway bike rides will disappear into thin air...

So here's my week re-cap so far:
Sunday (see previous post)

Monday - mile swim in Windsor lake, waited 45 mins for storm to pass

Tuesday - 26 mile fast bike ride and Master's swim (very hard - more on that later)

Wednesday - 4 mile slow run with Daisy and lovely discussion with Greeley Animal Control officer who was kind enough to "only" give me a warning not to take my dog near a Greeley park ever again because I would be slapped with a $50 fine. How awful of me - I let my dog get a drink in the lake - shame on me!

As they say, never a dull moment!

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