Friday, August 27, 2010

Easy Week With One Scare

Summing up the week, after Monday's swim (see below):

Tuesday (this is where the scare comes in):
I was supposed to ride this day but I really wanted to run so decided to switch workout days with Weds. Went over to UNC playing fields and ran on the grass for almost an hour (boring, I know, but I want to play it safe) and felt really good. Was happy with how much energy I had. But, in the middle of the run I suddenly experienced a sharp pain in my right knee - something I've never felt before. It hurt so bad I had to stop running. I walked a bit, trying not to panic, and then tried jogging slow but no go, the pain was really bad.

So I walked home (with a few attempts at running) feeling pretty discouraged. What is going on - why all of these injuries?  I decided to take the "wait and see" approach and to not worry too much.

I told Kurt about it and he said "well, it's not surprising considering how you have ramped up your training lately". He also thought it was due to biking, not running, although it has never hurt while I bike. So tomorrow's workout would be the true test as I was planning on doing a brick.

Did Master's swim and felt really good. Not sure how many yards we did...warmup of 200 free, 200 kick, 200 pull. Main set (to be done twice): 2 150's, 4 75's, 6 50's (I think), then a slow 200, then something else, I can't remember. I did most of it and felt really good. I'm still liking Master's a lot and feel like I'm getting stronger.

Came home, ate breakfast, got kids going on schooling stuff (we're homeschooling now) and did a quick Spinerval workout. Only had time to do 30 mins (40 mins with w/u and cool down). Not bad but I felt like I could've done more.

OK, now for the test: I did a brick workout and I wanted to see if my knee would hurt again. I rode to Kersey and back, then ran for 40 mins on the UNC playing field (grass). No knee pain but my knees felt sore and they hadn't been feeling that way in a long time. I had the feeling like I shouldn't go any faster or farther.

A few words about the ride: I started way too late and I realized that that is the kiss of death for a good ride. I felt rushed and just didn't enjoy it. Got to Kersey and just didn't want to ride anymore. First time i've every had an icky ride!  But I am glad I did it so there was some value to it!  I also felt like I could've rode much further but because I started too late, I couldn't.

Had a great night sleep, which really starts the day off well. Kurt didn't have time to go to the lake so I went alone. I decided that I could swim by myself and that I would be safe with a wetsuit but fortunately, when I got there, Tom M and Richard H were there. Richard was leaving but Tom stayed and swam with me. We did the perimeter and he helped me with my stroke. I can I'm getting better because I was not tired after swimming the perimeter, which we estimate is a mile. If I had time, I could've swam another perimeter - never thought I'd say that!

Tomorrow I'm going to run and I'm curious if my knee will hurt or not. Please, please, please oh Goddess of Injuries, heal thy knees, heels, and hips!  I want to run so bad. I'm planning on running at Jo Jo and hopefully going about 10 miles.

This weekend is the Steamboat Triathlon. I signed up for it but ended up deferring to next year because my mom can't go with me to help out with the kids. She had hip surgery so she can't go. Kurt is working so he's out of the picture. The only way I could've doen it would have been to get the kids up at 4:30 and drive to the race start with me but I just couldn't do that. So, when I found out that the race director would defer my entry, I decided to do that.

Plus, the only place I could stay was in a house 20 miles away (owned by my neighbor who offered to let me use it). Everyone else was staying town. It was no one's fault that it worked out that way but I just didn't want to feel like the odd man out again. I'd much rather go without kids and stay with the group but logistically, it wouldn't work. So, I'll go next year.

So, running long tomorrow and riding with Scott Sunday morning in Boulder. Really looking forward to that!  More soon.

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