Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Turning a Corner

I have a lot to write about but it will have to wait until later. Just wanted to jot down a few notes about today.

Rode 37 miles with Colleen Murphy today, one of (if not THE) fastest female cyclists in Greeley. I've known her for years and we've always kidded each other about how she can out-ride me but I can out-run her. I've always admired her cycling skills and she says she has always admired my running. We're about the same age and we both have 2 kids.

So I called her up yesterday and asked if she wanted to ride with me today, expecting her to say no since most people work during the week and it's hard to get out for early morning rides. But she said yes - yippee!

And even better news is that she lives only a few blocks from me, which made it much easier to meet at 6:30 AM!  She's been riding around Greeley for15 years so she knew a bazillion different routes. I told her that I would just follow her and off we went.

We went northeast on several different back roads that I've never been on. This was very cool because I need some new routes. We went up near Eaton, then over to Galeton, then through Kersey and back to Greeley. At UNC we were at 36 miles and I had about a mile to my house.

It was just great. And the really good news is that she wants to continue riding on Wednesday mornings - perfect!  I couldn't ask for a better training partner.

I needed this change for reasons I can't write about here. Finding a new friend was just what the doctor ordered.

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