Friday, April 3, 2009

Starting to plan ahead

Rode the bike this morning for 30 mins and felt really good. Would've rode longer but needed to get kids ready for school. That's ok, hoping to run long tomorrow so should be ok.

I finally plotted out Gale Bernhardt's 26-week IM training plan on my calendar. Oh boy, am I in for a lot of work! It will officially start on Monday, April 27th. She starts us off with one hour of swimming three times a week - ouch! But the run and bike part is super-easy. Almost makes me wonder if she needs to develop a plan for people like me, who come to triathlons with a running background...people like me who are newby swimmers but veteran runners. She only has us running an hour on the weekends and I'm already running 1.5 hrs.

So, I've decided that i need to swim M, W, F pretty much from here on out. She also suggests 1.15 hrs of strength training and I have no idea how I would do that! My weight-lifting takes all of 20 mins so I guess I better find some more exercises.

But it feels good to finally get the plan written down. Spring break is next week and I'll be out of town for part of it so I'm glad it's not starting now. Only time will tell how easy or hard it will be to follow. Stay tuned!

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