Monday, April 21, 2014

Recovery Swim

I swim with the local master's swim program on Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:00 AM (most of us get there around 6:15 to warm up) and usually swim between 2000 - 3000 yards. I was tired from the weekend so I barely got in 1600 today.

But here's the thing. You don't have to go all out all the time. You don't have to do every mile or stroke that your training plan calls for. Sure, there are people who do that but I'll bet you a CO2 cartridge they get burned out more often than we do (those of us who listen to our bodies).

So I'm ok with my measly little, um, I mean perfectly-fine 1600 yds today.

And the water felt sooooo good. When your leg muscles are sore and achey, swimming actually feels really good. It's like "one, long massage" says my friend, Julie Hansen, MS, RD. Well, maybe not quite like that but close.

For Ironman training, I don't follow a specific plan. I just do master's swim throughout the winter and spring, then I switch to open water swimming as soon as the lake warms up to 60+ degrees, which is usually in May.

Then, I swim 2 - 3 days a week and go more by time, than distance, since I don't always know how far I am going in the lake. I swim for at least 45 minutes in the lake and then usually do one pool workout each week too. We are lucky enough to have a 50-meter pool here in Greeley and I live just a few blocks from it so I usually ride my bike up there around 11;30 AM and swim under the hot sun for 45 mins or so. It's one of my favorite things to do. Love 50 meter pools!

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