Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Ride

First big training weekend is on the books: 12 mile run yesterday and 58 mile ride today - woo hoo!

Had great weather for both. The run was hard due
to super-sore quads (see previous post) but got 'er done.

Had 9 people on the ride today: Lynne, Marshall, Ripley, Jade, Brenda, Geoff, Jenni, Bryan. Started off fast and well, stayed fast!  I felt strong but was dropped on the first hill on CR 19 and it took awhile to catch up. Thankfully, they waited for me.

Learned that I'm faster on the down hills than most everyone in the group but slower on the uphills (just my luck). Still, felt really good most of the way and had fun with the group.

Geoff flatted outside of Johnstown so I stayed with him. Was a bit hard to start up again but felt good once we got going. Tired, thirsty, and hungry at the end. And to think I have much longer rides to do before August 3rd. Arrrgh!

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