Saturday, October 23, 2010

Still Pluggin' Away

Ran 2 hrs this morning with Marshall and felt really good. That was very encouraging since last week I could barely finish my 2 hr run. Today I felt like I could've gone further but had to get my kids to their soccer games and needed to stop at 9:00. But I'm psyched that I felt that good - almost like old times!

Tomorrow will be my last long ride - YAY!  I'm riding 100 miles with a friend of a friend who is training for Ironman Cozumel. Her name is Tiffany and I've known her for a few years. She's a really fun gal so I'm looking forward to riding with her. I think her husband, Patrick, is going along too.

After that, I'll start to back down the mileage of the biking. Not an official taper (yet) but will "only" have to ride 40 - 50. I think I'll try riding faster on that ride. But since the running is going well, I'm going to try to eek out one more long run next week and go for 3 hrs. I didn't have any pain during today's run (I did afterwards but I'm used to it) so I'm going to go for it either next week or the following weekend. I've been feeling kind of nervous about not running as much as the other folks training for AZ IM, but there's not much I can do about it.

As they say, it is what it is!

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