Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blessings Happen

Someone once told me that you can never really appreciate the good days unless you experience the bad days and that's what happened this weekend.

Saturday was somewhat of a down day and Sunday was terrific. Rode 60 some miles with my new friend, Scott Taylor, and had just a wonderful time.

The weather could not have been better - sunny, upper 70's, no wind, AND the trees were absolutely gorgeous. We rode through the Boulder countryside and I was oo'ing and aw'ing the entire way.

But the really good part was that a new friendship was made. I've ridden with Scott before and I find that the more I ride with him, the more I like him. We talked about a lot of things and he helped me with some issues I've been dealing with (he also helped me change my first flat tire and for that, I will be eternally grateful!).

It was refreshing to ride with someone who could talk about more than just training, who wasn't afraid to talk about emotions or what is important in life. He shared some things with me and I shared some things with him. It was truly a breath of fresh air to ride with him.

I've always thought that the only way to grow as a person is to face the inner demons we all have lurking deep within our souls. The catch is to let those demons out and wrestle with them face to face. I think some people never allow them out and live their entire lives in denial (or they drown them in alcohol) but I'm trying to meet them head on and gradually take them down. And that means experiencing every emotion possible along the way. Its scary sometimes and the road gets a little bumpy but with good friends like Scott, its well worth the ride.

(Photo of Coot Lake, outside of Boulder, taken on 10.17.10)


TrevorD said...

Glad you have an outlet and a friend like that to confide in. I've learned that training for an IM is far more than an act of endurance but rather a path of enlightenment for almost every aspect of your life - physically and emotionally. Be well and stay strong.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks, TrevorD! This 2nd time around has definitely been a growing experience. Although some friendships didn't pan out like I would've liked, I've learned a lot about myself and for that I'll always be grateful for this experience.