Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Catching up

Hit the pool twice this week - Monday and today, but sure can tell I'm not in training mode!  Both times it felt good to be in the pool but I didn't have much "umph" so I just swam slowly (and it felt so good).

Master's swim is Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15 AM. I get up at 5:15, drink a cup of coffee in the dark (meditation time), and leave for the pool around 6:00'ish. Its dark then and I'm usually the only one on the road. I always feel like a black cat slinking through the darkness...

The plan for now is to do about half of the swim workout and focus on technique, not speed. I'll do that until the first of the year when I'll start cranking up the pace. For now, it feels really good to just take it easy!

I ran yesterday afternoon with Daisy. I never run in the afternoon but I had a bad morning yesterday - long story - and didn't get out when i wanted to get out. So, finally made it out there at 4:00 in the afternoon. It wasn't bad - I kinda liked running at that time - but it's harder because I usually have the kids home and I don't like leaving them for too long.

Today I rode my new bike on the trainer for 30 mins. It sure took awhile to get comfortable. When I finally did, it was great. Still taking some time to get used to such an aerodynamic position!

Tomorrow, I hope to run 5 - 6 miles. Its supposed to be bitter cold but as long as the wind isn't blowing, I should be ok.

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